You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Integrating Meridian with SQL Server > Configuring the Windows account used by Meridian

Configuring the Windows account used by Meridian

Meridian can use either a Windows account or a SQL Server account to access SQL Server. This account will apply to all vaults that use SQL Server. The type of account used is controlled by the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\MSSQL_<ServerName>_WindowsAuthenticationMode

Where <ServerName> is the name of the computer running SQL Server. If the value of MSSQLS_<ServerName>_WindowsAuthenticationMode is 1, then the account must be a local user account (if SQL Server must be installed on the Meridian server) or a domain user account (if SQL Server is installed on a separate server, for example, DOMAIN\Administrator). If MSSQLS_<ServerName>_WindowsAuthenticationMode is 0, the account name must be a SQL Server account (for example, sa).

By default, Meridian will attempt to access SQL Server using the SQL Server account name sa and assumes no password is set for the account. Depending on which type of account you want to use, different methods are required to change the account and its password.

To configure a SQL Server account name to be used by Meridian to access SQL Server, see Configuring the SQL Server account used by Meridian. To change the Windows account name used by Meridian to access SQL Server:

  1. In Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane. The list of active vaults appears in the right pane.
  2. On the Action menu and select Properties. The EDM Server Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Engine tab. If the SQL Server database driver was installed during Meridian installation, the <DatabaseEngine>SQL.dll option appears.
  4. Click the Set Password button. The Task Account Information dialog box appears.
  5. Type a local or domain user account in User name, type the account password in Password, type the account’s domain in Domain and click OK.

Warning    In an Active Directory domain, this account must be configured as described in Granting domain privileges with a service account.

Note     Changing the password through the Meridian Enterprise Administrator does not also change the password wherever the account is defined, on the local computer or the domain. If the password of the Windows account must be changed, change it first in on the local computer or the domain and then change it in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator.

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